Tom Kerin: Voice actor, animator, pizza maker and shenaniganist. The views expressed are my own, I apologise.

Tom @SingingmuteStuff

Age 37, Male

Norwich, England

Joined on 3/9/10

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SingingmuteStuff's News

Posted by SingingmuteStuff - September 6th, 2011

Should hit the portal tomorrow morning once I've tested the .swf file.

Posted by SingingmuteStuff - August 18th, 2011

I'll probably release it next month.


Posted by SingingmuteStuff - August 14th, 2011


I can't describe how awesome It was that an Half Full episode was on the front page of Newgrounds =D

Quick news out the way before the long blog post:
Work has started on Half Full episode 5: Curse of the fickle pickle & Episode 6: Terror of the Pheromones, I've tidied up the character designs a bit so it should hopefully look a bit shinier.

Though it's been met with a pretty mixed response on here in the reviews, the score seems to have settled around the 3.50 mark (I'm quite happy with 7 out of 10)

There's been a lot of justified criticism of the episode, mostly the acting and my writing style. It's a long story but I'll compress it as best I can.
Back in 2005/6 I started work on Half Full, my drawing skills weren't that peachy back then and every time i'd start on the first episode I'd scrap it when I decided I could come up with something better. This didn't just happen with the art work, as time went on and I tried out different mics and sound recording equipment I eventually started work on the first animation when I was happy with everything.

The "pilot" episode of Half Full was recorded in 2008/2009 and animated/ released November 3rd 2009. I didn't upload it to Newgrounds at the time. The length was about 18 minutes, it would have and still is too big for Youtube (I'm sure at the time they had a 10 minute max video limit)

Anyway, time passed and I changed the character designs again, eventually I would go on to animate Episode 1: Excuse me, i'm trifle Death and Episode 2: A Death in the family. Both made after i'd gotten my head round some of the problems I'd encountered whilst making "There's a Ninja in my soup"

For one reason or another I decided to "Remaster" the episode with the new character designs (and split it into two parts to make it easier to upload here) I made a mistake by using the old audio track and not re-recording the cast. Though the musical number is completely new, I wanted to add it to the pilot but didn't have a composer to be able to musicalize it at the time.

Anyway I'd like to say thanks all my friends who helped for their awesome contributions to the series

Matti Ryan (Voice of Billy), Alex Wilson (Voice of John), Lu Greer (Voice of Susan), Daniel Mulley, Thomas Wilson, David Bishop, Annie Constable-Berry, Stu Henderson, Jamie Appleyard.

And once again, a huge thanks to Edd Bowley (Edd Egg) for guest voicing in the latest episode.

I'm determined to get better at this, I can't wait to upload the next episode :)



Brief Harder and the next Half Full

Posted by SingingmuteStuff - August 12th, 2011

New animation up on Newgrounds!: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

Hope you like it


Posted by SingingmuteStuff - August 8th, 2011

Hi guys!

I had an awesome time in London this weekend meeting fellow Newgroundians. I would write a blog post on the subject but my memory and writing abilities for such a long post could fail me.

Bahamut did a pretty smashing job at it though.

Here's a couple of a bits and pieces going to pop up in the next episode of Half Full.

Huge thanks to Stu Henderson for the music and Jamie Appleyardfor providing vocals =D


Posted by SingingmuteStuff - July 26th, 2011

Hi guys,

I don't think I've posted this yet. The chap who composes music for my series "Half Full" has uploaded the music score for episodes 1-3 to his website.

http://www.stuhenderson.co.uk/?page_id =66


Posted by SingingmuteStuff - July 19th, 2011

Hi guys,

Super awesome stuff happening to Half Full over the next month or so, I was contacted last week about Half Full being dubbed into Spanish! Episodio 1: ¡Un asunto de vida o muerte! (Slight change to the English title "Excuse me, i'm trifle Death") should be out pretty soon hopefully =D

Also putting together a music video with my composer for episode 4 (Brief Encounters 2: Brief HARDER)

Aiming to finish it some point next month.


Half Full stuff

Posted by SingingmuteStuff - July 13th, 2011

Posted by SingingmuteStuff - July 9th, 2011

Hi guys,

New animation up! Just need to find a way to get it under 10mb and it should be ready for upload to Newgrounds =D

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PK4 -TRSN0k&feature=channel_video_title


Posted by SingingmuteStuff - July 3rd, 2011

New episode of Half Full coming next week! Episode 3: There's a Ninja in my soup

New Half Full coming next week